Erotic gay massage david

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Russ was asking me if I would mind helping him out with buying banner ads for his website and some online promotion advice.

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Russ's first email was him introducing himself and his Massage Retreat in the hills behind Byron Bayīyron Bay is a fancy beach town north of Sydney, lots of celebrities hang out there, such as Olivia Newton John, Chris Hemsworth, Zac Efron, Nichole Kidman and I've read that Matt Damon hangs out there these days. I wasn't allowed to share my experience at the time in the interests of discretion, but after talking to Russ just last weekend, he thinks that it is OK if I share my experience with you guys. His name was Russ and he ran a men's massage retreat. One experience, which I had a few years ago, started with a proper email that someone had taken the time to sit down and write properly. Maybe people email me after a few adult beverages? You would think that if you were asking someone for a favour, or a business proposition, or for sex you would run it through a spell checker. You wouldn't believe the number of these emails that are barely coherent. I get a whole bunch of emails from people asking me favours, asking me to promote different businesses, asking me for sex advice and of course, asking me for sex.

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